Dana Ravyn received her PhD in microbiology and MPH in epidemiology from the University of Minnesota where she was an educator and researcher until 2000, publishing numerous articles in medical and educational journals. From 2000 until now Dana has been a consulting medical writer, authoring accredited content used in the continuing education of physicians, nurses, and pharmacists. Dana is the author of two novels, Fearless Heart (KDP, 2014) and The Suicide Switch (Wynkyn Worde, Summer 2023). Her poetry appears in The Avocet, Sparks of Calliope, Wilderness House Literary Review, Anak Sastra Literary Journal, Haiku Journal, The Edge of Humanity Magazine, and others. Her poems are featured in the anthologies Voices, Varied Spirits, edited by Red Haircrow and released in 2023 in Berlin, and Delaware Bards Poetry Review 2023. Her debut poetry collection, Supplication for Crows, is slated for release late 2023. She was selected to participate in the 2023 Bread Loaf Writers' Conference. Dana works at a public library empowering health literacy in her community.